This is a list of all global user groups configured on this wiki farm, with their associated user access rights and wikisets. Users with the permissions may delete a group by removing all rights from it.
Group | Rights |
Abuse filter helpers
(abusefilter-helper) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- View and create filters that use protected variables
(abusefilter-access-protected-vars) - የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - View log entries of abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-log-private) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት
(abusefilter-view) - View abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-view-private) - View IP addresses used by temporary accounts
(checkuser-temporary-account) - Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - View the spam block list log
Abuse filter maintainers
(abusefilter-maintainer) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- View and create filters that use protected variables
(abusefilter-access-protected-vars) - የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - View log entries of abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-log-private) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለመቀይር
(abusefilter-modify) - Create or modify what external domains are blocked from being linked
(abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains) - Create or modify global abuse filters
(abusefilter-modify-global) - Modify abuse filters with restricted actions
(abusefilter-modify-restricted) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት
(abusefilter-view) - View abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-view-private) - View IP addresses used by temporary accounts
(checkuser-temporary-account) - Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - View the spam block list log
API high limit requestors
(apihighlimits-requestor) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- Use higher limits in API queries
(apihighlimits) - Enable two-factor authentication
CAPTCHA exemptions
(captcha-exempt) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
(founder) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት
(abusefilter-view) - የራሱ ለውጦች በቀጥታ የተሣለፉ ሆነው መመልከት
(autopatrol) - Merge their account
(centralauth-merge) - አዳዲስ አባልነቶችን ለመፍጠር
(createaccount) - ገጾችን ለማዘጋጀት
(edit) - Bypass global IP blocks
(globalblock-exempt) - Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
(ipblock-exempt) - ለውጦችን ጥቃቅን ሆኖ ለማመልከት
(minoredit) - ገጾችን ለማዛወር
(move) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - Purge the cache for a page
(purge) - ገጾችን ለማንበብ
(read) - አንድ ገጽ መጨረሻ የለወጠውን ተጠቃሚ ለውጦች በፍጥነት rollback ለማድረግ
(rollback) - ወደ ሌላ አባል ኢ-ሜል ለመላክ
(sendemail) - Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension
(sfsblock-bypass) - View the spam block list log
(spamblacklistlog) - Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
(suppressredirect) - Bypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes
(torunblocked) - View a list of unwatched pages
(unwatchedpages) - ፋይሎችን ለመላክ
(upload) - View files and pages in the ስዕል and ስዕል ውይይት namespaces that are deleted
(viewdeletedfile) - View your own private data (e.g. email address, real name)
(viewmyprivateinfo) - View your own watchlist
Global bots
(global-bot) (management | list of members) (not enabled on this wiki) | Set of wikis where this group is active: Opted-out of global bots
- Use higher limits in API queries
(apihighlimits) - በከፊል የተቆለፉት ገጾች ለማረም
(autoconfirmed) - የራሱ ለውጦች በቀጥታ የተሣለፉ ሆነው መመልከት
(autopatrol) - Have one's own edits automatically marked as "checked"
(autoreview) - Be treated as an automated process
(bot) - Edit pages protected as "ያልተመዘገቡና አዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን አግድ።"
(editsemiprotected) - Not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt
(nominornewtalk) - Not be affected by rate limits
(noratelimit) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
(skipcaptcha) - Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
(suppressredirect) - writeapi
Global deleters
(global-deleter) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- የጠፉትን ገጾች ለመፈለግ
(browsearchive) - ገጾችን ለማጥፋት
(delete) - View deleted history entries, without their associated text
(deletedhistory) - View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
(deletedtext) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - የጠፋውን ገጽ ለመመልስ
Global Flow creators
(global-flow-create) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- የራሱ ለውጦች በቀጥታ የተሣለፉ ሆነው መመልከት
(autopatrol) - Create Structured Discussions boards in any location
(flow-create-board) - ገጾችን ለማዛወር
(move) - Move root user pages
(move-rootuserpages) - ገጾችን ከነንዑስ ገጾቻቸው ለማዛወር
(move-subpages) - Enable two-factor authentication
Global interface editors
(global-interface-editor) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- በከፊል የተቆለፉት ገጾች ለማረም
(autoconfirmed) - ገጾችን ለማዘጋጀት
(edit) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
(editautopatrolprotected) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoreviewers"
(editautoreviewprotected) - Edit the content model of a page
(editcontentmodel) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only editors"
(editeditorprotected) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
(editextendedsemiprotected) - Edit the user interface
(editinterface) - Edit pages protected as "መጋቢዎች ብቻ"
(editprotected) - Edit pages protected as "ያልተመዘገቡና አዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን አግድ።"
(editsemiprotected) - Edit sitewide CSS
(editsitecss) - Edit sitewide JavaScript
(editsitejs) - Edit sitewide JSON
(editsitejson) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only trusted users"
(edittrustedprotected) - Edit other users' CSS files
(editusercss) - Edit other users' JavaScript files
(edituserjs) - Edit other users' JSON files
(edituserjson) - Edit restricted pages
(extendedconfirmed) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - የመቆለፍ ደረጃ ለመቀይርና የተቆለፉትን ገጾች ለማረም
(protect) - Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
(suppressredirect) - Override the disallowed titles or usernames list
(tboverride) - Edit protected templates
Global IP block exemptions
(global-ipblock-exempt) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- Bypass global IP blocks
(globalblock-exempt) - Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension
(sfsblock-bypass) - Bypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes
Global rollbackers
(global-rollbacker) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - በከፊል የተቆለፉት ገጾች ለማረም
(autoconfirmed) - የራሱ ለውጦች በቀጥታ የተሣለፉ ሆነው መመልከት
(autopatrol) - Auto-review on rollback
(autoreviewrestore) - View IP addresses used by temporary accounts
(checkuser-temporary-account) - Edit pages protected as "ያልተመዘገቡና አዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን አግድ።"
(editsemiprotected) - Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo) - rollback ሲደረግ እንደ bot ለማመልከት
(markbotedits) - ገጾችን ለማዛወር
(move) - Move pages with stable versions
(movestable) - Not be affected by rate limits
(noratelimit) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - View recent changes patrol marks
(patrolmarks) - አንድ ገጽ መጨረሻ የለወጠውን ተጠቃሚ ለውጦች በፍጥነት rollback ለማድረግ
(rollback) - Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
(skipcaptcha) - Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
Global sysops
(global-sysop) (management | list of members) (not enabled on this wiki) | Set of wikis where this group is active: Opted-out of global sysop wikis
- የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለመቀይር
(abusefilter-modify) - Create or modify what external domains are blocked from being linked
(abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains) - Modify abuse filters with restricted actions
(abusefilter-modify-restricted) - Use higher limits in API queries
(apihighlimits) - በከፊል የተቆለፉት ገጾች ለማረም
(autoconfirmed) - የራሱ ለውጦች በቀጥታ የተሣለፉ ሆነው መመልከት
(autopatrol) - Auto-review on rollback
(autoreviewrestore) - ተጠቃሚዎችን ከማዘጋጀት ለማገድ
(block) - ተጠቃሚ ኢ-ሜል ከመላክ ለመከልከል
(blockemail) - የጠፉትን ገጾች ለመፈለግ
(browsearchive) - Forcibly create a local account for a global account
(centralauth-createlocal) - ገጾችን ለማጥፋት
(delete) - View deleted history entries, without their associated text
(deletedhistory) - View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
(deletedtext) - Delete and undelete specific log entries
(deletelogentry) - በገጾች የተወሰኑትን እትሞች ለማጥፋትና ለመመልስ
(deleterevision) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
(editautopatrolprotected) - Edit the content model of a page
(editcontentmodel) - Edit the user interface
(editinterface) - Edit pages protected as "መጋቢዎች ብቻ"
(editprotected) - Edit pages protected as "ያልተመዘገቡና አዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን አግድ።"
(editsemiprotected) - Edit sitewide CSS
(editsitecss) - Edit sitewide JavaScript
(editsitejs) - Edit sitewide JSON
(editsitejson) - Edit other users' CSS files
(editusercss) - Edit other users' JavaScript files
(edituserjs) - Edit other users' JSON files
(edituserjson) - Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts
(flow-delete) - Edit Structured Discussions posts by other users
(flow-edit-post) - Hide Structured Discussions topics and posts
(flow-hide) - ከሌላ ዊኪ ገጾችን ለማስገባት
(import) - Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
(ipblock-exempt) - Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo) - Access a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo-view-full) - rollback ሲደረግ እንደ bot ለማመልከት
(markbotedits) - የገጾች እትሞችን ታሪክ ለመዋሐድ
(mergehistory) - ገጾችን ለማዛወር
(move) - Move category pages
(move-categorypages) - Move root user pages
(move-rootuserpages) - ገጾችን ከነንዑስ ገጾቻቸው ለማዛወር
(move-subpages) - ፋይሎችን ለማዛወር
(movefile) - Move pages with stable versions
(movestable) - Not be affected by rate limits
(noratelimit) - Mass delete pages
(nuke) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - Override the spoofing checks
(override-antispoof) - የሰው ለውጦች የተሣለፉ ሆነው ለማመልከት
(patrol) - የመቆለፍ ደረጃ ለመቀይርና የተቆለፉትን ገጾች ለማረም
(protect) - Overwrite existing files
(reupload) - Overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
(reupload-own) - Override files on the shared media repository locally
(reupload-shared) - Mark revisions as being "checked"
(review) - አንድ ገጽ መጨረሻ የለወጠውን ተጠቃሚ ለውጦች በፍጥነት rollback ለማድረግ
(rollback) - Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension
(sfsblock-bypass) - Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
(skipcaptcha) - View the spam block list log
(spamblacklistlog) - Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed
(stablesettings) - Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
(suppressredirect) - Override the disallowed titles or usernames list
(tboverride) - Edit protected templates
(templateeditor) - View the disallowed titles list log
(titleblacklistlog) - የጠፋውን ገጽ ለመመልስ
(undelete) - View the list of unreviewed pages
(unreviewedpages) - View a list of unwatched pages
(unwatchedpages) - ፋይሎችን ለመላክ
Temporary account IP viewers
(global-temporary-account-viewer) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- View IP addresses used by temporary accounts
New wikis importers
(new-wikis-importer) (management | list of members) (not enabled on this wiki) | Set of wikis where this group is active: All existing wikis
- በከፊል የተቆለፉት ገጾች ለማረም
(autoconfirmed) - Forcibly create a local account for a global account
(centralauth-createlocal) - ገጾችን ለማጥፋት
(delete) - View deleted history entries, without their associated text
(deletedhistory) - View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
(deletedtext) - Edit the user interface
(editinterface) - Edit pages protected as "መጋቢዎች ብቻ"
(editprotected) - Edit pages protected as "ያልተመዘገቡና አዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን አግድ።"
(editsemiprotected) - Edit sitewide CSS
(editsitecss) - Edit sitewide JavaScript
(editsitejs) - Edit sitewide JSON
(editsitejson) - ከሌላ ዊኪ ገጾችን ለማስገባት
(import) - Import pages from a file upload
(importupload) - ገጾችን ለማዛወር
(move) - ገጾችን ከነንዑስ ገጾቻቸው ለማዛወር
(move-subpages) - Not be affected by rate limits
(noratelimit) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - የመቆለፍ ደረጃ ለመቀይርና የተቆለፉትን ገጾች ለማረም
(protect) - Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
(skipcaptcha) - Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
(suppressredirect) - Override the disallowed titles or usernames list
(tboverride) - የጠፋውን ገጽ ለመመልስ
Two-factor authentication testers
(oathauth-tester) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- Enable two-factor authentication
(ombuds) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- View hidden abuse log entries
(abusefilter-hidden-log) - የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - View log entries of abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-log-private) - View private data in the abuse log
(abusefilter-privatedetails) - View the AbuseFilter private details access log
(abusefilter-privatedetails-log) - View logs related to accessing protected variable values
(abusefilter-protected-vars-log) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት
(abusefilter-view) - View abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-view-private) - የጠፉትን ገጾች ለመፈለግ
(browsearchive) - Check users' IP addresses and other information
(checkuser) - View the checkuser log
(checkuser-log) - View the log of access to temporary account IP addresses
(checkuser-temporary-account-log) - View IP addresses used by temporary accounts without needing to turn on the preference
(checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference) - View deleted history entries, without their associated text
(deletedhistory) - View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
(deletedtext) - View a log of who has accessed IP information
(ipinfo-view-log) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - የግል መዝገቦች ለማየት
(suppressionlog) - View revisions hidden from any user
Recursive export
(recursive-export) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - Export pages including linked pages up to a depth of 5
(staff) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- View and create filters that use protected variables
(abusefilter-access-protected-vars) - View hidden abuse log entries
(abusefilter-hidden-log) - Hide entries in the abuse log
(abusefilter-hide-log) - የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - View log entries of abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-log-private) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለመቀይር
(abusefilter-modify) - Create or modify global abuse filters
(abusefilter-modify-global) - Modify abuse filters with restricted actions
(abusefilter-modify-restricted) - View private data in the abuse log
(abusefilter-privatedetails) - View the AbuseFilter private details access log
(abusefilter-privatedetails-log) - View logs related to accessing protected variable values
(abusefilter-protected-vars-log) - Revert all changes by a given abuse filter
(abusefilter-revert) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት
(abusefilter-view) - View abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-view-private) - Use higher limits in API queries
(apihighlimits) - በከፊል የተቆለፉት ገጾች ለማረም
(autoconfirmed) - የራሱ ለውጦች በቀጥታ የተሣለፉ ሆነው መመልከት
(autopatrol) - ትልቅ የእትም ታሪክ ያላቸውን ገጾች ለማጥፋት
(bigdelete) - ተጠቃሚዎችን ከማዘጋጀት ለማገድ
(block) - ተጠቃሚ ኢ-ሜል ከመላክ ለመከልከል
(blockemail) - የጠፉትን ገጾች ለመፈለግ
(browsearchive) - Merge their account
(centralauth-merge) - Unmerge global account
(centralauth-unmerge) - Manage central notices
(centralnotice-admin) - Check users' IP addresses and other information
(checkuser) - View the checkuser log
(checkuser-log) - View the log of access to temporary account IP addresses
(checkuser-temporary-account-log) - View IP addresses used by temporary accounts without needing to turn on the preference
(checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference) - ገጾችን ለማጥፋት
(delete) - View deleted history entries, without their associated text
(deletedhistory) - View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
(deletedtext) - Delete and undelete specific log entries
(deletelogentry) - በገጾች የተወሰኑትን እትሞች ለማጥፋትና ለመመልስ
(deleterevision) - ገጾችን ለማዘጋጀት
(edit) - Edit the content model of a page
(editcontentmodel) - Edit the user interface
(editinterface) - Edit pages protected as "መጋቢዎች ብቻ"
(editprotected) - Edit pages protected as "ያልተመዘገቡና አዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን አግድ።"
(editsemiprotected) - Edit sitewide CSS
(editsitecss) - Edit sitewide JavaScript
(editsitejs) - Edit sitewide JSON
(editsitejson) - Edit other users' CSS files
(editusercss) - Edit other users' JavaScript files
(edituserjs) - Edit other users' JSON files
(edituserjson) - Edit restricted pages
(extendedconfirmed) - Create Structured Discussions boards in any location
(flow-create-board) - Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts
(flow-delete) - Edit Structured Discussions posts by other users
(flow-edit-post) - Hide Structured Discussions topics and posts
(flow-hide) - Suppress Structured Discussions topics and posts
(flow-suppress) - gadgets-definition-edit
(gadgets-definition-edit) - gadgets-edit
(gadgets-edit) - Bypass global IP blocks
(globalblock-exempt) - Disable global blocks locally
(globalblock-whitelist) - Block or unblock a username, hiding or unhiding it from the public
(hideuser) - ከሌላ ዊኪ ገጾችን ለማስገባት
(import) - Import pages from a file upload
(importupload) - Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
(ipblock-exempt) - Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo) - Access a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo-view-full) - View a log of who has accessed IP information
(ipinfo-view-log) - Manage the list of mentors
(managementors) - ገጾችን ለማዛወር
(move) - Move root user pages
(move-rootuserpages) - ገጾችን ከነንዑስ ገጾቻቸው ለማዛወር
(move-subpages) - ፋይሎችን ለማዛወር
(movefile) - Move pages with stable versions
(movestable) - Manage OAuth consumers
(mwoauthmanageconsumer) - Manage OAuth grants
(mwoauthmanagemygrants) - Propose new OAuth consumers
(mwoauthproposeconsumer) - Suppress OAuth consumers
(mwoauthsuppress) - Update OAuth consumers you control
(mwoauthupdateownconsumer) - View private OAuth data
(mwoauthviewprivate) - View suppressed OAuth consumers
(mwoauthviewsuppressed) - Not be affected by rate limits
(noratelimit) - Mass delete pages
(nuke) - Disable two-factor authentication for a user
(oathauth-disable-for-user) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - Override the spoofing checks
(override-antispoof) - View recent changes patrol marks
(patrolmarks) - የመቆለፍ ደረጃ ለመቀይርና የተቆለፉትን ገጾች ለማረም
(protect) - Purge the cache for a page
(purge) - Overwrite existing files
(reupload) - Override files on the shared media repository locally
(reupload-shared) - Mark revisions as being "checked"
(review) - አንድ ገጽ መጨረሻ የለወጠውን ተጠቃሚ ለውጦች በፍጥነት rollback ለማድረግ
(rollback) - ወደ ሌላ አባል ኢ-ሜል ለመላክ
(sendemail) - Set user's mentor
(setmentor) - Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
(skipcaptcha) - Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed
(stablesettings) - የግል መዝገቦች ለማየት
(suppressionlog) - Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
(suppressredirect) - ከመጋቢዎቹ የተደበቁትን እትሞች አይቶ ለመመልስ
(suppressrevision) - Override the disallowed titles or usernames list
(tboverride) - Override the disallowed usernames list
(tboverride-account) - Edit protected templates
(templateeditor) - Reset failed or transcoded videos so they are inserted into the job queue again
(transcode-reset) - View information about the current transcode activity
(transcode-status) - Unblock oneself
(unblockself) - የጠፋውን ገጽ ለመመልስ
(undelete) - View a list of unwatched pages
(unwatchedpages) - ፋይሎችን ለመላክ
(upload) - Upload files from a URL
(steward) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- View and create filters that use protected variables
(abusefilter-access-protected-vars) - View hidden abuse log entries
(abusefilter-hidden-log) - የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - View log entries of abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-log-private) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለመቀይር
(abusefilter-modify) - Create or modify what external domains are blocked from being linked
(abusefilter-modify-blocked-external-domains) - Modify abuse filters with restricted actions
(abusefilter-modify-restricted) - View the AbuseFilter private details access log
(abusefilter-privatedetails-log) - View logs related to accessing protected variable values
(abusefilter-protected-vars-log) - Revert all changes by a given abuse filter
(abusefilter-revert) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት
(abusefilter-view) - View abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-view-private) - Use higher limits in API queries
(apihighlimits) - በከፊል የተቆለፉት ገጾች ለማረም
(autoconfirmed) - የራሱ ለውጦች በቀጥታ የተሣለፉ ሆነው መመልከት
(autopatrol) - Auto-review on rollback
(autoreviewrestore) - ትልቅ የእትም ታሪክ ያላቸውን ገጾች ለማጥፋት
(bigdelete) - ተጠቃሚዎችን ከማዘጋጀት ለማገድ
(block) - ተጠቃሚ ኢ-ሜል ከመላክ ለመከልከል
(blockemail) - የጠፉትን ገጾች ለመፈለግ
(browsearchive) - Forcibly create a local account for a global account
(centralauth-createlocal) - Merge their account
(centralauth-merge) - Manage central notices
(centralnotice-admin) - View the checkuser log
(checkuser-log) - View the log of access to temporary account IP addresses
(checkuser-temporary-account-log) - View IP addresses used by temporary accounts without needing to turn on the preference
(checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference) - አዳዲስ አባልነቶችን ለመፍጠር
(createaccount) - ገጾች ለመፍጠር (ውይይት ገጾች ያልሆኑትን)
(createpage) - የውይይት ገጽ ለመፍጠር
(createtalk) - ገጾችን ለማጥፋት
(delete) - Delete tags from the database
(deletechangetags) - View deleted history entries, without their associated text
(deletedhistory) - View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
(deletedtext) - Delete and undelete specific log entries
(deletelogentry) - በገጾች የተወሰኑትን እትሞች ለማጥፋትና ለመመልስ
(deleterevision) - ገጾችን ለማዘጋጀት
(edit) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
(editautopatrolprotected) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only autoreviewers"
(editautoreviewprotected) - Edit the content model of a page
(editcontentmodel) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only editors"
(editeditorprotected) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
(editextendedsemiprotected) - Edit the user interface
(editinterface) - Edit your own preferences
(editmyoptions) - Edit pages protected as "መጋቢዎች ብቻ"
(editprotected) - Edit pages protected as "ያልተመዘገቡና አዲስ ተጠቃሚዎችን አግድ።"
(editsemiprotected) - Edit sitewide CSS
(editsitecss) - Edit sitewide JavaScript
(editsitejs) - Edit sitewide JSON
(editsitejson) - Edit pages protected as "Allow only trusted users"
(edittrustedprotected) - Edit other users' CSS files
(editusercss) - Edit other users' JavaScript files
(edituserjs) - Edit other users' JSON files
(edituserjson) - Edit restricted pages
(extendedconfirmed) - Create Structured Discussions boards in any location
(flow-create-board) - Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts
(flow-delete) - Edit Structured Discussions posts by other users
(flow-edit-post) - Hide Structured Discussions topics and posts
(flow-hide) - Suppress Structured Discussions topics and posts
(flow-suppress) - Bypass global IP blocks
(globalblock-exempt) - Disable global blocks locally
(globalblock-whitelist) - gwtoolset
(gwtoolset) - Block or unblock a username, hiding or unhiding it from the public
(hideuser) - ከሌላ ዊኪ ገጾችን ለማስገባት
(import) - Import pages from a file upload
(importupload) - Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
(ipblock-exempt) - Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo) - Access a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo-view-full) - View a log of who has accessed IP information
(ipinfo-view-log) - Create and (de)activate tags
(managechangetags) - Manage the list of mentors
(managementors) - rollback ሲደረግ እንደ bot ለማመልከት
(markbotedits) - Send a message to multiple users at once
(massmessage) - የገጾች እትሞችን ታሪክ ለመዋሐድ
(mergehistory) - ገጾችን ለማዛወር
(move) - Move category pages
(move-categorypages) - Move root user pages
(move-rootuserpages) - ገጾችን ከነንዑስ ገጾቻቸው ለማዛወር
(move-subpages) - ፋይሎችን ለማዛወር
(movefile) - Move pages with stable versions
(movestable) - Manage OAuth consumers
(mwoauthmanageconsumer) - Suppress OAuth consumers
(mwoauthsuppress) - View private OAuth data
(mwoauthviewprivate) - View suppressed OAuth consumers
(mwoauthviewsuppressed) - Register newsletters
(newsletter-create) - Delete newsletters
(newsletter-delete) - Add or remove publishers or subscribers from newsletters
(newsletter-manage) - Restore a newsletter
(newsletter-restore) - Not be affected by rate limits
(noratelimit) - Mass delete pages
(nuke) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - Access the log of two-factor authentication changes
(oathauth-view-log) - Override the spoofing checks
(override-antispoof) - Mark versions of pages for translation
(pagetranslation) - የሰው ለውጦች የተሣለፉ ሆነው ለማመልከት
(patrol) - View recent changes patrol marks
(patrolmarks) - የመቆለፍ ደረጃ ለመቀይርና የተቆለፉትን ገጾች ለማረም
(protect) - Purge the cache for a page
(purge) - Rename users
(renameuser) - Overwrite existing files
(reupload) - Overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
(reupload-own) - Override files on the shared media repository locally
(reupload-shared) - Mark revisions as being "checked"
(review) - አንድ ገጽ መጨረሻ የለወጠውን ተጠቃሚ ለውጦች በፍጥነት rollback ለማድረግ
(rollback) - Set user's mentor
(setmentor) - Bypass IP restrictions issued by the StopForumSpam extension
(sfsblock-bypass) - Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
(skipcaptcha) - View the spam block list log
(spamblacklistlog) - Configure how the stable version is selected and displayed
(stablesettings) - የግል መዝገቦች ለማየት
(suppressionlog) - Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
(suppressredirect) - Override the disallowed titles or usernames list
(tboverride) - Override the disallowed usernames list
(tboverride-account) - Edit protected templates
(templateeditor) - View the disallowed titles list log
(titleblacklistlog) - Bypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes
(torunblocked) - View information about the current transcode activity
(transcode-status) - Import offline translations
(translate-import) - Manage message groups
(translate-manage) - Review translations
(translate-messagereview) - Unblock oneself
(unblockself) - የጠፋውን ገጽ ለመመልስ
(undelete) - View a list of unwatched pages
(unwatchedpages) - ፋይሎችን ለመላክ
(upload) - Upload files from a URL
(upload_by_url) - View revisions hidden from any user
(viewsuppressed) - writeapi
System administrators
(sysadmin) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- View and create filters that use protected variables
(abusefilter-access-protected-vars) - View hidden abuse log entries
(abusefilter-hidden-log) - Hide entries in the abuse log
(abusefilter-hide-log) - የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - View log entries of abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-log-private) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለመቀይር
(abusefilter-modify) - Create or modify global abuse filters
(abusefilter-modify-global) - Modify abuse filters with restricted actions
(abusefilter-modify-restricted) - View logs related to accessing protected variable values
(abusefilter-protected-vars-log) - Revert all changes by a given abuse filter
(abusefilter-revert) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት
(abusefilter-view) - View abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-view-private) - Use higher limits in API queries
(apihighlimits) - በከፊል የተቆለፉት ገጾች ለማረም
(autoconfirmed) - Automatically log in with an external user account
(autocreateaccount) - የራሱ ለውጦች በቀጥታ የተሣለፉ ሆነው መመልከት
(autopatrol) - ትልቅ የእትም ታሪክ ያላቸውን ገጾች ለማጥፋት
(bigdelete) - ተጠቃሚዎችን ከማዘጋጀት ለማገድ
(block) - ተጠቃሚ ኢ-ሜል ከመላክ ለመከልከል
(blockemail) - የጠፉትን ገጾች ለመፈለግ
(browsearchive) - Forcibly create a local account for a global account
(centralauth-createlocal) - Lock or unlock global account
(centralauth-lock) - Merge their account
(centralauth-merge) - Rename global accounts
(centralauth-rename) - Suppress or hide global account
(centralauth-suppress) - Unmerge global account
(centralauth-unmerge) - አዳዲስ አባልነቶችን ለመፍጠር
(createaccount) - ገጾችን ለማጥፋት
(delete) - Delete tags from the database
(deletechangetags) - View deleted history entries, without their associated text
(deletedhistory) - View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
(deletedtext) - Delete and undelete specific log entries
(deletelogentry) - በገጾች የተወሰኑትን እትሞች ለማጥፋትና ለመመልስ
(deleterevision) - ገጾችን ለማዘጋጀት
(edit) - Edit the content model of a page
(editcontentmodel) - Edit the user interface
(editinterface) - Edit pages protected as "መጋቢዎች ብቻ"
(editprotected) - Edit sitewide CSS
(editsitecss) - Edit sitewide JavaScript
(editsitejs) - Edit sitewide JSON
(editsitejson) - Edit other users' CSS files
(editusercss) - Edit other users' JavaScript files
(edituserjs) - Edit other users' JSON files
(edituserjson) - Create Structured Discussions boards in any location
(flow-create-board) - Delete Structured Discussions topics and posts
(flow-delete) - Edit membership to global groups
(globalgroupmembership) - Manage global groups
(globalgrouppermissions) - Bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
(ipblock-exempt) - Create and (de)activate tags
(managechangetags) - የገጾች እትሞችን ታሪክ ለመዋሐድ
(mergehistory) - ገጾችን ለማዛወር
(move) - Disable two-factor authentication for a user
(oathauth-disable-for-user) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - Verify whether a user has two-factor authentication enabled
(oathauth-verify-user) - Access the log of two-factor authentication changes
(oathauth-view-log) - Export pages including linked pages up to a depth of 5
(override-export-depth) - Mark versions of pages for translation
(pagetranslation) - Rename users
(renameuser) - Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
(skipcaptcha) - Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
(suppressredirect) - Override the disallowed titles or usernames list
(tboverride) - Override the disallowed usernames list
(tboverride-account) - Edit protected templates
(templateeditor) - Unblock oneself
(unblockself) - የጠፋውን ገጽ ለመመልስ
(undelete) - Upload files from a URL
(upload_by_url) - ያባላት ሁሉ መብቶች ለማስተካከል
(userrights) - Edit user rights of users on other wikis
U4C members
(u4c-member) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- View hidden abuse log entries
(abusefilter-hidden-log) - የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - View log entries of abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-log-private) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት
(abusefilter-view) - View abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-view-private) - የጠፉትን ገጾች ለመፈለግ
(browsearchive) - View IP addresses used by temporary accounts
(checkuser-temporary-account) - View deleted history entries, without their associated text
(deletedhistory) - View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
(deletedtext) - Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
(ipinfo) - Enable two-factor authentication
VRT permissions agents
(vrt-permissions) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - ገጾችን ለማንበብ
(wmf-email-block-override) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- Bypass the spam block list
WMF researchers
(wmf-researcher) (management | list of members) | This group is active on all wikis.
- የጥፋትን መዝገብ ለማየት
(abusefilter-log) - View detailed abuse log entries
(abusefilter-log-detail) - View log entries of abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-log-private) - የጥፋት ማጣሪያዎችን ለማየት
(abusefilter-view) - View abuse filters marked as private
(abusefilter-view-private) - Use higher limits in API queries
(apihighlimits) - የጠፉትን ገጾች ለመፈለግ
(browsearchive) - View deleted history entries, without their associated text
(deletedhistory) - View deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
(deletedtext) - Enable two-factor authentication
(oathauth-enable) - View the spam block list log
(spamblacklistlog) - የግል መዝገቦች ለማየት
(suppressionlog) - የጠፋውን ገጽ ለመመልስ
(undelete) - View revisions hidden from any user