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የ91.121.3.175 አስተዋጽኦች

This user is currently globally blocked. The global block log entry is provided below for reference:

  • 06:52, 9 ጁላይ 2023: AmandaNP meta.wikimedia.org globally blocked (ውይይት) with an expiration time of 06:52, 9 ጁላይ 2025 (account creation disabled) (No open proxies <!-- SCLT ID: Possible VPN or Colocation -->)
ሙሉ መዝገቡን ለማየት
የሰውን አስተዋጽኦች ለመፈለግ፦ይዘረጋይቀነስ

ምንም አልተገኘም።